Crystal therapy. Therapeutic treatment through crystals.
The most in-depth work with crystal therapy is that of crystal reading In which the person is guided solely by the unconscious and through his selection examines where the person is at this precise moment in life and what challenges tests are at the moment of overcoming With the accompaniment of crystals how to face this moment to evolve in presence and awareness. At the same time it is possible to make a reading of the Stones that are already in the possession of the consultant acquiring a clearer vision on the use to be made both from the practical point of view of connection and from the personal evolutionary point of view to deepen the work with crystals consciously. All the Sessions are done live, via zoom, and it is suggested that the receiver wears good quality headphones or uses a speaker in order to ensure the highest quality sound and lies down in a comfortable quiet environment.

She was born in the Czech Republic. Her mother is German-French-Hungarian and her father is English. When she was 4 years old she moved with her mother to the province of Siena in Tuscany where she lived among the vast clay hills of the region under one of the darkest skies in Italy. She was fascinated by the irrepressible energy of the forces of nature she was confronted with and immersed herself in the uncontaminated paradise, finding solace among the forests, the trees and the stars.
Ever since she was a child she has been creating installations and objects with natural elements, remembering the symbolism and discovering new forms of language and communication, which have guided her to the point of amplifying and evolving into the development of new forms of osmotic communicationHer research is based on the energetic exchange between the individual and the outer world. Whatever we absorb from nature will sustain us and grant us with a long lasting interior balance and equilibrium. This philosophy derives from the never-ending question of the origin of all things and its relationship with everything.She creates large medicine circles, either contemplative or active, in order to heighten awareness of the balance between our environment and nature. Many people choose individual sessions for the medicine circles.Harmony and interaction with the environment can help us to recover our interior language, similar to our lost memories of childhood which our soul craves for.

Stones and crystals are crystallized cosmic rays:
– They are composed of mathematics, geometry and harmony
– They work on us for vibrational fields
The more they resonate, the more we are able to dissolve the emotional energy blocks
– They are cosmic rays that the earth and the universe give us as an infinite resource to increase our state of light and well-being
Characteristics of the stones and crystals have been discovered which confirm the theses of the ancient mystics on the kingdom of minerals … that they would not only be alive but also have a form of consciousness, which, compared to the consciousness of man, is found in the band of vibrations very slow and not having reached our level, however, exists.
They have a kind of pulse that can be measured with special very sensitive instruments. Each pulse of their “hearts” lasts about 24 hours, and therefore we cannot hear it. The ability of the stones to move was also established through very spaced frames over time.The work with crystal therapy is applicable on several modalities. It will be possible to work in presence and / or distance according to the cases and needs The first possible work to be done is a letter from the Stones.
PILLARS OF LIGHT ~ reading one’s crystals ~
It will be possible to deepen the crystals that are already in the possession of the person who requires a clearer vision on the use to be made both from the practical point of view of connection and from the personal evolutionary point of view to deepen the work with crystals consciously. In this way the person will be accompanied to an independent use of his crystals in everyday life, learning to listen to them and to lighten his own system thanks to them.
PARELIO ~ reading with the crystals of the person ~ In the same session A more in-depth work with crystal therapy will be that of reading crystals as a whole In which the person lets himself be guided solely by the unconscious and through his self-selection he examines where the person is at this precise moment of life and what challenges he is at the moment of overcoming. With the accompaniment of the crystals how to face this moment to evolve in presence and awareness During the session, the stones indicated to work independently on their own emerge, in order to start a more conscious contact with the crystals to learn how to use them in everyday life, as a resource and allied friends without rationality who know how to unlock stagnant energy and no more. useful for our evolution.