Numerological Consultancy. Numerological map created by a professional astrologer.
Calculate your Life Path Number, Soul Urge Number, and Expression Number based on nothing more than your name and birth date.
One-of-a-kind Numerology Life Map comes with an authenticity certificate. All the cunsultant’s infos need to be provided by email after your purchase.
The Numerology Life Map can be translated in every languages.Should be an exclusive and vibrant gift.
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150 EURO

Guido Rossetti is a numerologist, author and life coach. He currently lives and works in Bologna. In 1984 he was initiated into the techniques of consciousness by the master Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Since the 1990s he has been the first researcher to interpret and describe numbers like Archetypes, in accordance with the principles of C. Gustav Jung, James Hillman and Marie Louise Von Franz. His intent, is to divulge the ancient discipline of numbers by drawing on scientific bases, committing itself to combining tradition and science. For years he has held individual consultations, conferences and courses in the main Irish cities. He has already published: “The Cards of Numbers”, Il Punto d’Incontro editions and two monographs published by the monthly Riza Scienze. Since 2000 he has been a trainer and expert in NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and has undergone training as a Life Coach.

Pythagoras and other philosophers of the time believed that because mathematical concepts were more “practical” (easier to regulate and classify) than physical ones, they had greater actuality. St. Augustine of Hippo (AD 354–430), wrote: “Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth.” Similar to Pythagoras, he too believed that everything had numerical relationships and it was up to the mind to seek and investigate the secrets of these relationships or have them revealed by divine grace. See Numerology and the Church Fathers for early Christian beliefs on the subject.
Numbers as Archetypes of the collective unconscious. Jung affirmed that number is the most primitive expression of the spirit, meaning the dynamic aspect of the unconscious as spirit. In his lecture of 1919 he used for the first time the term “Archetype, (from Archè, principle, origin, and typos, form, but also image). Jung says: “in addition to our immediate consciousness, which is entirely personal in nature, there is a second psychic system of a collective, universal and impersonal nature, which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited. It consists of pre-existing forms, the Archetypes, which can only become conscious at a later time and give a specific form to certain psychic contents ”. The Archetypes, these collective representations of the unconscious, being inherited, are a common heritage of humanity and are found in the myths and legends of all peoples. The gods and divinities of the pantheons have always been behind the scenes of the theater of the world and manifest themselves as personalities who act in dreams and fantasies.

The author also takes us on a journey into the symbolism of archetypes and transpersonal psychology, two aspects closely linked to numerology. Numerology is an ancient science, which has developed in different cultures, from Mayan to Chinese, up to the Pythagorean doctrine of ancient Greece. Although its origins are lost in the mists of time, it is still a current discipline, which helps us to discover our nature, our resources and the possibilities we have to succeed, allowing us to investigate every aspect of our personality and to fully exploit even our latent resources.
A journey to discover ourselves to trace our numerological picture, which becomes a real “map of luck” and helping us in a practical way to outline the structure of our character and to recognize our talents.
This map can also be understood as a musical score of the Soul. From this perspective, the different musical tones (individual numbers) represent multiple shades of the one note: universal love. By harmonizing the individual note of the personal self, with the tone of the universal self (the great tuning fork of the universe), we are supported by the Natural Law, historically identified in the myth of Fortune. When we align ourselves with the archetypal frequency of the Soul, we entrust the orchestral direction of life to the higher Self, who knows our symphony of the heart. This is the sublime destiny of every human being: to sing his song, in the great universal chorus of the human family. As the literary critic Leo Spitzer said, taking up the concepts of Saint Augustine: “Only the soul that is aware of numbers can understand the harmony of God, because it is precisely the numerical relationships that guide our intellect to become aware of the manifestation of the divine dimension “.